The way we are showing up for ourselves, healing, growing and pushing forward is amazing to witness and be a part of!  Just 5 years ago you couldn’t get us to talk in a community about mental health, wellness, and getting out of our own way.  As a Licensed Therapist and Coach it is important I provide clear distinction between coaching and therapy as the two are not identical.  Let’s take a closer look…

Explaining the difference between therapy and coaching.


  1. Therapy is used to diagnose and treat mental health disorders by a Licensed provider.  Therapists use a diagnosis to advise on treatment planning goals and objectives.  A diagnosis is also used to tell health insurance companies you have a condition that requires medical care.  
  2. Dependence, Detox, Stressors, Relapse, Psychological & Social Factors, Physical, Sexual, Emotional, and Financial Abuse are some of the topics in the area of addiction and abuse. Therapist can help overcome these challenges and address symptoms.
  3. Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel a full range of emotions and experiences.


  1. Life & Wellness Coaching: I am a holistic practitioner at heart. I believe as individuals we are made up to include: emotional, physical, social, and spiritual parts. As your coach we examine together how these areas impact your life’s journey and incorporate wellness practices that sustain your peace.
  2. Mental health, wellness and creating a life you want, and deserve takes more than thinking, hoping, and/or wishing things will get better. It takes intentionality, goal setting and a toolkit of resources to ensure you arrive. This is the foundation of Coaching with me.
  3. The Present is the Starting Point – No judgement. We use this opportunity to reveal where you truly are in your life’s journey and build a road map to reach your desired destination.

I am not currently taking new clients as a Licensed Therapist however I am accepting clients as a Life & Wellness Coach. 

Let’s work together!

Steps on how to get started with working with me as your Life & Wellness Coach

Steps on How to Get Started

  • First Subscribe, Subscribe, Subscribe: Here’s what you can expect from me when you subscribe:
    • I’ll publish fresh **tools, tips, strategies and resource** content to our blog, our facebook group  and via Instagram. I’ll also send you emails about new products, and services and other cool premium resources from time to time BUT only once we’ve vetted them.
    • Whitelist and prioritize all emails from **** and **Tessa Thompson**. This is important! Not only will you receive updates about new articles on the blog, you’ll also receive notifications about new **Products, Collaborations, Challenges and Giveaways**. But if our emails aren’t getting through to you, you will miss these important updates and you won’t receive the full benefit of being a subscriber.
  • Secondly: Sign up for a FREE – 15 Minute Clarity Call: Now that you are a subscriber and have hung out on my website you may be ready to jump in and get started today! Let’s start with a FREE – 15-minute clarity call.  Jumpstart your journey to self-fulfillment, we will go over a series of questions designed to guide you to the next stage in your wellness journey.

Lastly Start the 5-Day Intentional Wellness Course: I created a 5-day course to reveal where you truly are in your life’s journey of intentional living and provide additional resources to get you to your desired destination. This is the foundation of us working together.

5-day course to reveal where you truly are in your life’s journey of intentional living.

I can’t wait to meet you on this life’s journey. I look forward to connecting with you soon. Until then know that I am rooting for you to WIN!


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